Inside the Australian and New Zealand book industry

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Aussie children’s book creators chosen to pitch at global kids entertainment event

Australian children’s book creators Yves Stening and Nigel Buchanan are one of five intellectual property owners selected to pitch at the world’s biggest children’s entertainment industry event, MIPJunior.

Held on 13 October in Cannes, France, the MIPJunior pitching competition is for creators and producers seeking financing for projects in development. Kids entertainment industry experts have selected the five projects to be pitched.

Author Stening and illustrator Buchanan will pitch their series ‘Dinner Detectives’, which seeks to ‘inspire healthy eating habits in children by feeding their curiosity, making discovering new foods an adventure, not a chore’. The first book, A Fearsome Beast and a Dumpling Feast (PublishCreative Books), follows two characters as they travel back in time and around the world to uncover stories behind why Chinese people eat dumplings at New Year. Book two, A Tangled Tale of Tagliatelle, focuses on Italian cuisine and book three, The Legend Lurking In Your Lunchbox, investigates sandwiches.

Stening, who is also attending Frankfurt Book Fair with the Australian Publishers Association, said, ‘We only discovered we were attending MIPCom three weeks ago, then we got the news we’d been selected for the pitch competition! We are super excited about pitching at MIPJunior.’


Category: Junior Local news Rights and acquisitions