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Hazel Rowley Fellowship 2019 shortlist announced

Writers Victoria has announced the shortlist for the 2019 Hazel Rowley Literary Fellowship, awarded annually to an Australian writer for a proposed biographical work.

The shortlisted writers and their projects are:

  • Maggie Tonkin for a biography of Australian choreographer Meryl Tankard
  • Brigitta Olubas for a biography of writer Shirley Hazzard
  • Eleanor Hogan for her project on the friendship between Ernestine Hill and Daisy Bates
  • Stephenie Cahalan for a writing project called ‘The Modern Woman of Australian Modernism’, about artist Jean Belette
  • Gabrielle Carey for a biography of Elizabeth von Arnim, who was Katherine Mansfield’s cousin and a writer herself, known for her novel Elizabeth and Her German Garden
  • James Boyce for a new biography of Governor Lachlan Macquarie
  • James Mairata for a biography about Australian film and television producer Hal McElroy
  • Diana James for her proposal ‘Open Hearted Country: Nganyinytja’s Story’.

The $15,000 fellowship will be judged by biographers Jenny Hocking and Jeff Sparrow, Rowley’s friend and co-initiator of the fellowship Lynn Buchanan, and Rowley’s sister Della. The winner will be announced on 4 March during Adelaide Writers Week, following the Hazel Rowley Memorial lecture to be given by Maria Tumarkin.

The Hazel Rowley Literary Fellowship was established in 2011 by the Hazel Rowley Literary Fund with the support of Writers Victoria to encourage Australian authors to attain a high standard of biography writing and to commemorate the life, ideas and writing of Rowley, who died in 2011.

Jacqueline Kent won the 2018 fellowship for her biography of political campaigner and women’s rights activist Vida Goldstein.

For more information about the Hazel Rowley Literary Fellowship, visit the Writers Victoria website.



Category: Awards Local news