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Richell Prize 2023 shortlist announced

Hachette, in partnership with the Emerging Writers’ Festival (EWF), has announced the shortlist for the 2023 Richell Prize for Emerging Writers.

The five shortlisted entries are:

  • ‘When I Was Your Dog’ (Olivia Dezilva): ‘Written in a fresh, engaging and open manner this creative nonfiction immediately captured the judges’ attention and plunged them into the energies of an extended Chinese family making a life for themselves in Adelaide. The violence committed upon the young protagonist is heartbreakingly senseless, and the long-lasting effects of direct racism are relayed without self-pity or excuse. Paradoxically, in losing her voice once, the writer has found and honoured it in this vivid expression of self.’
  • ‘A Distant Shimmering Thing’ (Hannah Goldstein): ‘This novel is an unforgettable exploration of friendships, guilt and chronic illness. The insights into the complications of illness, both physical and emotional, and how strength can be expressed in different ways, are finely rendered and all the judges thought the writing style was quietly confident and emotionally impactful.’
  • ‘The Election of the Mayor’ (Victoria Manifold): ‘An experimental and ambitious work, in both technique and storylines, this novel captured the judges’ attention immediately and drew comparisons with Jennifer Egan’s A Visit from the Goon Squad. Multi-voiced and fragmentary, it skillfully left gaps for the reader’s imagination to wander through. It promises to entertain with its strong writing and imagery.’
  • ‘Blood Gum Weeping’ (Luisa Mitchell): ‘There is a powerful energy in this family saga that covers six generations of a Nyungar family. It explores the ways we make and understand history, as families, and as a nation. Culturally grounded, it artfully plays with time and narrative techniques as it deals with the complicated legacies and injuries of colonialism. Full of love, intrigue and insight, this story will entertain and challenge the reader.’
  • ‘Rat Daniels’ (Alex Sawyer): ‘From the beginning, the judges felt they were in the hands of an accomplished storyteller. Whilst it has echoes of Jasper Jones or Wimmera it does not feel derivative or unoriginal. The writing is striking and absorbing, the details finely rendered, the setting perfectly captures its location in the Adelaide Hills. The skillful depiction of a deeply bonded friendship between two lonely boys has the potential to become a classic, its themes timeless and beautifully and poignantly explored.’

The 2023 judging panel includes editor and writer Nadia Johansen, Lindy Jones from Abbey’s Bookshop, Book People’s David Parritt, Hachette Australia publisher Vanessa Radnidge, and author Hannah Richell. The judges reviewed the longlisted entries, after each of the 700 entries to this year’s prize were read by two readers.

Entrants are judged on the first three chapters of their work, alongside a synopsis and a description of how the prize would benefit the author’s writing career. Writers do not need to have completed a full manuscript at the time of entry, but they must have the intention to complete their work.

‘The Richell Prize, created in the memory of Matt Richell, has become an important literary prize that encourages and supports emerging Australian writers,’ said the judges. ‘To judge this award is both an honour and an exciting glimpse into the talent and creative energy of unpublished Australian writers. We all love the boost it gives to a writer to have their work acknowledged, and though it was a hard task to narrow the shortlist down to five, we feel these five writers stood out because of their confidence, storytelling and literary talent.’

The Richell Prize is awarded annually to an emerging writer of adult fiction or adult narrative nonfiction. The winner will receive $10,000 in prize money, as well as a 12-month mentorship with a Hachette Australia publisher. Hachette Australia has the first option to consider the winning and shortlisted works for publication.

Susannah Begbie won the 2022 Richell Prize for ‘When Trees Fall Without Warning’, which will be published by Hachette in May 2024. The 2023 winner will be announced on 2 November. More information about the shortlisted titles is on the Hachette website.


Category: Awards Local news