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Yong wins Royal Society Science Book Prize

In the UK, Ed Yong has won the 2023 Royal Society Science Book Prize, worth £25,000 (A$47,740) for An Immense World: How animal senses reveal the hidden realms around us (Vintage), reports the Bookseller.

Yong’s book explores the animal kingdom and the ‘multisensory’ ways in which animals experience the world. Judges called An Immense World a ‘fascinating journey of discovery’ and an ‘exploration of evolution, behavioural science, physics and neuroscience’.

‘In An Immense World, Ed Yong masterfully transforms the mundane into the magical, taking us through the animal kingdom’s myriad senses one scientific discovery at a time,’ said chair of judges Alain Goriely. ‘It is a read that leaves one with a profound appreciation for our shared world, demonstrating that great science books don’t just educate—they have the potential to transform.’

Yong was chosen as the winner from a shortlist of six announced in September.

Last year’s winner was Henry Gee for A (Very) Short History of Life on Earth: 4.6 billion years in 12 chapters (Picador). More information about the prize is available on the Royal Society website.


Category: International news