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Arts NT & Varuna Fellowships 2024 recipients announced

Varuna, the National Writers’ House has announced nine recipients of the 2024 Arts NT and Varuna Fellowships, with three fellowships taking place in-house at Varuna and six virtual residencies, all to be delivered in February 2024.

Recipients of the in-house residency are:

  • Marie Elena Ellis with ‘I Am The Desert’, a poetry collection written in Arrernte, translated in English, exploring childhood memories from the richness of Country and culture within 
  • Kieran Finnane with ‘the beauty and the damage’, a work of narrative nonfiction about the way cultures meet and overlap in the Northern Territory
  • Glen Hunting with ‘Loose Affiliations’, a poetry collection about the author’s experiences of moving from Perth to Alice Springs during a time of personal upheaval. 

Recipients of the virtual/online residency are:

  • Sally Bothroyd for ‘Ghosts of the Circus and other minor hauntings’, a collection of short stories, each with a supernatural or macabre twist
  • Lee Frank for ‘A Billabong Swim to the Subway’, a collection of songs, short stories, and spoken word spanning multiple genres
  • Raelke Grimmer for ‘Burning Two AM Conversations’, a poetry collection on the conversations we have with ourselves, loved ones and friends, and those we plan to have but never quite manage
  • Ktima Heathcote for ‘Red Dust in My Veins’, a memoir that unravels the conflict between the author’s attraction to danger and desire for security
  • Karen Manton for ‘Ghost Tide’, a novel exploring the conscious and the unconscious, dream and reality
  • Chris Quinn for ‘Letter to a Misplaced Friend’, literary fiction about a middle-aged man still haunted by his first love. 

Funding from Arts NT provides the three in-house writers with support for travel, accommodation and manuscript consultations, and all writers will receive mentoring and one-on-one consultations to develop and progress their new works. More information about the fellowship is available on the Varuna website.

Pictured: Varuna, the National Writers’ House.


Category: Local news