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EWF to launch 2024 program in August

The Emerging Writers’ Festival (EWF) has announced that its 2024 program launch will take place at the Wheeler Centre, Naarm/Melbourne, on 1 August.

This program launch—which will be the festival’s 21st—will have the theme ‘Divinations’, and will feature ‘a preview line-up of artists featured in the 2024 festival reading their work, in addition to the Emerging Writers’ Festival programming team unveiling the full 2024 program’. Artists appearing at the launch event include Adalya Nash Hussein, Madison Griffiths, Xiaole Zhan and EWF guest curator for 2024 Mackenzie Lee.

‘For 21 years, EWF has remained a portal for storytellers embarking on their journey,’ said the organisers. ‘It is where creative connections are forged, new stories are dreamt up, and radical futures are imagined. For writers and readers alike, EWF foretells a rich life of storytelling.’

The event also ‘celebrates the Emerging Writers’ Festival’s debut as a springtime affair’. The festival, which previously took place in winter, will run from 5 to 15 September this year.

In addition to free tickets to the in-person event, the EWF is providing a free nationwide live-stream of the event.


Category: Local news