Inside the Australian and New Zealand book industry

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New Holland Publishers moves to HEDS from 1 August 2024

New Holland Publishers will be leaving XLE and moving to HEDS starting on the 1st of August 2024.

While we are very excited to be working with the team at HEDS, we wish to thank XLExpress and Warwick Teale, and his team, for the past 5 years.

All RA requests for new releases and returned stock need to be sent to XLExpress by the 31st of July 2024, once approved for return with an RA approved by XLE and NH.

All back orders on frontlist and backlist titles will be transferred over to HEDS. If you do not have an account with HEDS, please contact our office on or phone 02 8986 4700 and we will send you an account credit application form.

All July new titles and backlist titles are still available at XLE, and all August new release titles will be distributed by HEDS in their August new release runs, and all stock will be available from the 1st of August 2024.


Category: Classifieds