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Varuna announces First Peoples India–Australia exchange

Varuna, the National Writers’ House has announced a First Peoples India–Australia exchange will take place commencing next year.

In November 2025, two Adivasi writers will travel from India for a month-long residency at Varuna, then a few weeks later, two First Nations writers from Australia will complete a residency at Sangam House in Bangalore, India. The exchange program will include events such as the Lekhana literary festival in Bangalore, the Blue Mountains Writers’ Festival in Katoomba, and a Diwali event in Sydney.

The exchange is a partnership between Varuna, Sangam House, First Nations Australia Writers Network, consultants Roanna Gonsalves and Mridula Chakraborty, and the Centre for Australia–India Relations (CAIR). Varuna, which is the recipient of a CAIR grant, said the exchange ‘has taken years to come to fruition’.

Varuna executive director Veechi Stuart said: ‘First Nations Australian writers face many similar challenges to those faced by Adivasi writers, including marginalisation of tribal languages, the loss of oral storytelling traditions, and a lack of recognition by publishing houses. Choosing First Nations and Adivasi writers for this program offers a clear path for artistic and creative excellence.’

First Nations author Ellen van Neerven said: ‘The opportunity for writers to have their work discovered and hopefully published outside of Australia is incredibly significant and validating.’ They added: ‘I can think of no better cultural ambassadors than our First Nations writers.’

Gonsalves, who facilitated introductions between participating organisations, said: ‘This international collaboration has reciprocity at its core. By facilitating First Nations Australian writers to go abroad and international First Nations writers to experience our cultures for themselves, we help to shift perceptions, and help elevate and value traditional cultures.’

The callout for the program will commence in November 2024, with the exchange taking place between October 2025 and January 2026. Further information is available from Varuna.


Category: Local news