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Safran presents true crime series on Radio National

Author and broadcaster John Safran is currently presenting a six-part series about true crime writing on ABC Radio National.

‘John Safran’s True Crime’ is being broadcast on Radio National each Sunday at 3pm, and again each Wednesday at 9pm. The hour-long episodes, which started on Sunday 1 September, feature Safran interviewing a number of well-known authors about ‘the process, ethics and experience of investigating and writing true crime’. Safran also draws on his own experience writing Murder in Mississippi: The True Story of How I Met a White Supremacist, Befriended His Black Killer and Wrote This Book (Hamish Hamilton), which will be published on 25 September.

In the first episode, Safran interviews John Berendt, author of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (Sceptre). Other authors to be interviewed in the series include: Joe McGinnis, author of Fatal Vision (out of print); Ann Rule, author of The Stranger Beside Me (Sphere); Harold Schechter, author of Psycho USA (Ballantine Books); Victoria Redstall, author of Up Close and Very Personal: My Death Row Interviews with the Most Dangerous Men on the Planet (John Blake Publishing); Jeff Jensen, author of Green River Killer (with Jonathan Case, Dark Horse Comics); and Dan Zupansky, author of Trophy Kill (Prohyptikon Publishing)

For more information about the series, visit the Radio National website here.


Category: Local news