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Australia Council publishing delegation to visit India in 2015

Six Australian publishers will visit India in January as the Australia Council’s first delegation to the country.

An Australia council spokesperson told Books+Publishing the delegation would ‘promote Australian literature at festivals and events in India’ and said the initiative ‘was organised after research was done by the Australian Publishing Association on emerging markets’.

Scribe publisher Henry Rosenbloom, Knopf/Vintage publisher at Random House Meredith Curnow, HarperCollins publishing director Shona Martyn, Giramondo founder Ivor Indyk, UWA Publishing director Terri-ann White and Penguin Australia rights manager Kate McCormack will visit India for 10 days, travelling to Delhi and Jaipur ‘to investigate market potential, artistic development and exchange opportunities for Australian authors and publishers’.

‘This will include formal introductions to Indian publishing houses, participation in networking events and attendance at the Jaipur Literature Festival and its Bookmark publishing conference,’ the spokesperson said.

The six publishing delegates were selected by a peer panel after responding to a call for an expression of interest.



Category: Local news