OzCo VIP guests announced for 2016 SWF
Friday, 26 February 2016 Books+Publishing @booksandpublishing
The Australia Council for the Arts has announced the guests attending the 2016 Visiting International Publishers (VIP) Program, to be held during the Sydney Writers’ Festival in May.
The guests are:
- Cordelia Borchardt, editor-in-chief at Fischer Krüger and Fischer Scherz in Germany
- Anish Chandy, founder of Labyrinth Literary Agency in India
- Shannon Cullen, children’s fiction publisher at Penguin Random House in the UK
- Deborah Druba, editorial director of Editions Kero in France
- Katharina Ebinger, editor-in-chief at Thienemann and Gabriel in Germany
- James Gurbutt, publisher at Corsair and Atom (Little, Brown Group) in the UK
- Rachel Hecht, children’s scouting executive director at Mary Anne Thompson Associates in the US
- Jenna Johnson, executive editor at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in the US
- Duran Kim, president of Duran Kim Agency in South Korea
- Renate Liesker, commissioning editor at AmbolAnthos Publishers in the Netherlands
- Kira Lynn, publishing director of Kane Miller (EDC Publishing) in the US
- Irena Mis Svoljsak, publishing director of Miš založba in Slovenia
- Ira Silverberg, senior editor at Simon & Schuster in the US
- Berna Sirman, children’s and YA publishing coordinator at Pegasus Publishing House in Turkey
- Yuko Tanaka, foreign book department chief editor at Kawade Shobo Shinsha in Japan
- Annette Weber, fiction editorial director at DuMont Verlag in Germany.
The VIP Program aims to promote rights sales of Australian titles in overseas markets and to strengthen the links between Australian and overseas publishers. The program has previously alternated between the Sydney and the Adelaide writers’ festivals, but will return to Sydney this year for the second year in a row.
More information about the program and guests can be found on the Australia Council website here.
Category: Local news