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ILF: $769,000 raised in 2012; new staff appointed

The Indigenous Literacy Foundation (ILF) raised a total of $769,000 and delivered more than 18,000 books to over 180 remote communities in 2012.

As previously reported by Books+Publishing, the ILF had raised $515,000 as of October 2012 following Indigenous Literacy Day (ILD) in September. The foundation said in its newsletter that the ‘outstanding result could not have been achieved without significant end of year donations’, including $48,000 from the Victorian Independent Booksellers Network, which donated the proceeds of its charitable trust after it officially closed at the end of 2012; $25,000 from Pearson; and a further $7500 from the Australian Society of Authors (ASA), which raised close to $15,000 through its One Word, One Day events. The ILF also raised more than $14,500 through its trivia night in Sydney in November.

ILF executive director Karen Williams told Books+Publishing that the foundation is aiming to raise $730,000 this year. As previously reported by Books+Publishing, the foundation’s target in 2012 was $600,000.

The foundation has also welcomed a number of new staff members this year, including program manager Tina Raye who started in her role in January. Steve Wimmer, currently general manager at the ASA, has joined the foundation in the newly created part-time role of business manager, and Emily Weich, previously ILF project coordinator, has been promoted to a new role in marketing. Nick Bowditch, head of marketing and sales at Facebook, has joined the ILF board.

This year’s ILD will be held on Wednesday 4 September. For more information about the foundation, visit the website here.


Category: Local news