Inside the Australian and New Zealand book industry

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Pages & Pages announces ‘Kindle amnesty’

Pages & Pages Booksellers in Mosman, Sydney, has announced that it will introduce a ‘Kindle amnesty’ on the third Saturday of every month, asking customers to trade in Amazon Kindles for BeBook ereaders and raising consumer awareness of the limitations of the Kindle.

On each amnesty day, customers who purchase a BeBook Touch ereader can trade in their Kindle for a $50 Pages & Pages gift voucher.

Pages & Pages general manager and Australian Booksellers Association (ABA) president Jon Page told Books+Publishing that the BeBook Touch ‘is just like a Kindle except you can choose where you buy your ebooks’. The BeBook Touch is priced at $179.95, has an eInk screen, 4GB of memory and is wifi-enabled.

‘Kindle has become the default term for an ereader but most readers don’t understand that it is an Amazon product and there are other, better, reading devices on the market,’ said Page.

‘Amazon has over sixty-five percent of the ebook market in Australia and over seventy-five percent of ereaders owned in Australia are Kindles. But most Australian readers don’t know that the Kindle locks them into buying from Amazon only. Amazon limits readers’ choices and walls them into their garden,’ said Page.

Ebooks purchased from Pages & Pages can be read on any tablet, smartphone and ereader, and the store will help set up devices for ereading, said Page, who has also invited customers to come into the store for an ereader demonstration. Page said that unlike Amazon, Pages & Pages supports local schools, pay taxes in Australia, employs local people, gives Mosman Village character, and respects readers’ privacy.

Other Australian booksellers have also campaigned against Amazon in their advertising. In November, online bookseller Bookworld began its ‘Bookworld Price Guarantee’ campaign for its loyalty club members, offering to beat Amazon’s prices by 10%, which included a television advertising campaign during Christmas.


