Inside the Australian and New Zealand book industry

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Affirm Press book raises $10k for PEN Melbourne

Affirm Press has announced a $10,000 donation to PEN Melbourne, representing the profits raised so far from the sale of Joyful Strains: Making Australia Home.

Published on Australia Day in January 2013, Joyful Strains is a collection of memoirs from writers describing their expatriation to Australia, including contributions from Alice Pung, Danny Katz, Mark Dapin and Alexis Wright. The collection is edited by Kent MacCarter and Ali Lemer.

Affirm Press publisher Martin Hughes described the project as ‘especially satisfying’. ‘This is a terrific working example of our publishing philosophy, to influence by delight. Writers who were (mostly) free to make Australia home supporting PEN Melbourne, which campaigns on behalf of oppressed writers worldwide, and advocates for a multicultural literature with a diversity of voices.’

PEN Melbourne president Arnold Zable described the project’s success as ‘fabulous news on many fronts’. ‘First, the marvellous pieces in the book itself and the themes they dealt with. Second, the many reviews and events associated with it and the public discussions that it generated. Third, the fact that it included so many diverse voices. And fourth, the financial success is a great bonus. PEN Melbourne has many wonderful projects that will benefit from the donated profits.’

PEN Melbourne, a branch of PEN International, focusses on writers in prison, reconciliation, women writers and international work, especially in the Asia and Pacific region.

You can read a review of Joyful Strains on our Fancy Goods blog here.



Category: Local news