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Children’s Peace Literature Award 2013 shortlist announced

Ten titles have been shortlisted titles for the 2013 Children’s Peace Literature Award, a biennial award presented by the Australian Psychological Society’s interest group Psychologists for Peace to books that ‘encourage the peaceful resolution of conflict or promote peace at the global, local or interpersonal level’.

This year’s award is being judged in two categories: books for junior readers (up to mid-primary) and books for older readers. The shortlisted books in each category are:

Junior readers:

  • A Bus Called Heaven (Bob Graham, Walker Books)
  • King Pig (Nick Bland, Scholastic)
  • The Ghost of Miss Annabel Spoon (Aaron Blabey, Viking)
  • The Pros and Cons of Being a Frog (Sue deGennaro, Scholastic)
  • Violet Mackerel’s Personal Space (Anna Branford & Sarah Davis, Walker Books).


Older readers:

  • My Life as an Alphabet (Barry Jonsberg, A&U)
  • Pan’s Whisper (Sue Lawson, Walker Books)
  • Pookie Aleera is not My Boyfriend (Steven Herrick, UQP)
  • The Beginners Guide to Revenge (Marianne Musgrove, (Random House Australia)
  • The Invisible Hero (Elizabeth Fensham, UQP).


The awards will be presented at a public gathering in South Australia and the winners will share in prize money totalling $3000.

In 2012, the Children’s Peace Literature Award was presented to Sue Walker for Arnie Avery (Walker Books). For more information about the award, visit the website here.


Category: Local news