Kobo partners with Bol.com in Netherlands and Belgium
Kobo has partnered with Bol.com, the largest provider of ebooks in the Netherlands and Belgium. The partnership means Kobo’s ereaders and tablets are available from the bol.com site and bol.com customers have access to Kobo’s ebook selection, in addition to those available from bol.com. ‘Over the next few months, bol.com and Kobo will launch innovations to make digital reading even more user-friendly,’ said Kobo in a statement. In the same statement, Kobo said that one in seven nonfiction books sold in the Netherlands is digital. Bol.com is taking part in the LeesID initiative which allows customers to ‘collect all of your ebook purchases in your own personal digital bookshelf—even those bought from other retailers,’ according to director of Bol.com Daniel Ropers.
Category: International news