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Speech Pathology Book of the Year Awards 2014 winners announced

Speech Pathology Australia has announced the winners of its 2014 Book of the Year Awards.

The winners in the five categories are:

Birth to three years

  • I’m a Dirty Dinosaur (Janeen Brian, illus by Ann James, Viking)


Three to five years

  • A Swim in the Sea (Sue Whiting, illus by Meredith Thomas, Walker Books)


Five to eight years

  • Silver Buttons (Bob Graham, Walker Books)


Eight to ten years

  • The Adventures of Sir Roderick the not-very Brave (James O’Loghlin, Pan)


Indigenous children

  • Deadly D & Justice Jones: Making the Team (Scott Prince & Dave Hartley, Magabala).


The Speech Pathology Australia Book of the Year Awards aim to ‘promote quality Australian books that help children get the best, most literate start in life’. The books are judged on their ‘appeal to children, interactive quality and ability to assist speech pathologists and parents in communication and literacy development’.

To see the shortlisted titles for each category, click here. Read more about the awards here.



Category: Local news