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Shortlist for 2014 Whitmore Press Manuscript Prize for poetry announced

The shortlist for the 2014 Whitmore Press Manuscript Prize for poetry has been announced.

The shortlisted poets are:

  • Bonny Cassidy
  • Dan Disney
  • Alison Flett
  • Molly Guy
  • Jill Jones
  • Carmen Leigh Keates
  • Vanessa Page and John Koenig (joint submission)
  • Anupama Pilbrow
  • Tracy Ryan
  • Alison Strumberger.


Whitmore Press said it had this year received ‘the highest number of entries in the five years we have run the prize’. ‘Aside from the shortlisted poets, many others submitted entries of a high standard. Some included particularly fine individual poems that we would love to have published, but which we feel sure will find publication elsewhere in the near future.’

The winner will be announced at the end of November. Their work will be published by Whitmore Press in 2015.


Category: Local news