Wheeler Centre ‘Interrobang’ festival to run in November
The Wheeler Centre has announced a two-day festival ‘Interrobang’ to run on 27-28 November, which will include events both online and at various Melbourne locations.
The festival program will be built around questions submitted to its website. The questions will be voted on by the public and the 25 most popular will each inform an event on the program. The event formats will be shaped around the questions and could include ‘anything from a large-Town Hall style debate to an intimate conversation, a lecture, a panel discussion or even a “how to” one-on-one lesson’.
Festival participants include former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis, broadcasters Mark Colvin and Tom Elliott, chef and TV presenter Adam Liaw, as and writers Cheryl Strayed, Cory Doctorow, Anne Summers, Meghan Daum, Raimond Gaita, Nakkiah Lui and Geraldine Brooks.
The Wheeler Centre head of programming Emily Sexton said: ‘People will be able to submit their question online, and then see it grappled with and explored on stage by some of the world’s most interesting thinkers … It’s not necessarily just about the answers—it’s a festival of conversation and curiosity, and we’re so excited to give people this experience.’
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