Inside the Australian and New Zealand book industry

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International guests announced for PANZ conference

The Publishers Association of New Zealand (PANZ) has announced a number of international guests appearing at its 2016 conference.

They are: Diana Broccardo, sales and marketing director at Profile Books (UK); Emma House, director of publisher relations at the Publishers Association (UK); and industry consultant Kathy Hurley (US).

Among the Australian guests are: Bryony Lewis, general counsel, legal, contracts, rights and royalties for Penguin Random House APAC; Kelly Morton, head of digital marketing at Hachette Australia; and David O’Brien, vice president of the schools division at Cengage Australia.

The Local Publishing, Global Thinking conference will be held in the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Auckland from 30 June to 1 July. For more information, visit the PANZ website.


Category: Conferences Local news