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Indigo Books launches book recommendation app

Canadian bookseller Indigo Books and Music has launched Reco, a new social networking app that allows readers to rate and recommend the books, reports the Financial Post. The app, which was launched last week for iOS with an Android version scheduled for late 2016 allows users to keep track of the books they’ve read and want to read, rate and review those books, find new recommendations based on their interests and share titles to social media. The app also contains links to purchase titles from Indigo or ebook retailer Kobo within the app. The app is similar to the online book reviewing community Goodreads, which was purchased by Amazon in 2013, and has subsequently had its reviews integrated into the online retailer’s website and Kindle ereaders. A spokesperson for Reco touted the benefits of the app’s book recommendations, describing them as ‘curated and shared by a trusted community of friends and experts’ instead of algorithms, and that it ‘has no interest in recommending books directly to users without context’.


Category: International news