Inside the Australian and New Zealand book industry

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Rowe wins 2016 ‘ABR’ Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize

Josephine Rowe has won the 2016 Australian Book Review (ABR) Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize for her story ‘Glisk’.

Rowe was awarded the $7000 prize at a ceremony during the Melbourne Writers Festival on 27 August.

Anthony Lawrence was placed second and received $2000 for his story ‘Ash’, and UK writer Jonathan Tel was placed third and received $1000 for ‘The Water Calligrapher’s Women’. They were chosen from almost 1400 entries, and will be published in the August edition of ABR.

The ABR Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize is presented annually to short stories of between 2000 and 5000 words, and since 2014 has been open to international as well as Australian writers.

For more information about the prize, visit the ABR website here.


Category: Local news