A&U acquires Lambie memoir
Allen & Unwin will publish a memoir by independent Tasmanian senator Jacqui Lambie in mid-2017, reports the Australian.
The publisher said Lambie’s story is of ‘a very ordinary Australian who has battled depression, lived in housing commissions, endured pain and poverty while raising two children alone … it is the story of a single mother who has worked hard and wants to make a real difference for real people.’
A&U publicity director Andy Palmer said: ‘the manuscript has not been delivered but it will cover her life to date and, like Jacqui herself, we expect it to be forthright and honest.’
Lambie’s forthcoming memoir is one of several books by current and former politicians to be announced recently. Melbourne University Publishing (MUP) will publish books by Labor Senator Sam Dastyari, Labor MP Mark Butler, former foreign minister Gareth Evans, and a second book by former prime minister and Liberal MP Tony Abbott; while UQP will publish former Greens leader Christine Milne’s memoir in September.
Category: Local news Rights and acquisitions