Inside the Australian and New Zealand book industry

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On tour: Peadar Ó Guilin

Peadar Ó Guilin (pronounced ‘Padder Oh Gilleen’, according to the author) is an Irish writer, playwright and former stand-up comedian. His latest YA book The Call (David Fickling) is a teenage survival story that mixes Irish mythology, horror and psychological warfare. Ó Guilin will be appearing at Perth Writers Festival in late February.

What would you put on a shelf-talker for your latest book? 

A fast-paced adventure, steeped in dark Irish mythology. Loved it!

What are you reading right now?

13 Minutes by Sarah Pinborough (Hachette). It’s described as a ‘Mean Girls for the Instagram age’.

What are you planning to read next?

Kid Got Shot by Simon Mason (David Fickling). I loved Running Girl, so my hopes are high.

Which book do you always recommend? 

There is no one book that’s perfect for everybody. I need to know what you’ve enjoyed in the past before making a suggestion. If we’re sticking to YA, however, I think more people need to read D M Cornish’s Monster Blood Tattoo (Scholastic).

What was the defining book of your childhood?

It has to be The Lord of the Rings (J R R Tolkien, HarperCollins). I read it a dozen times before the age of 14. It’s why I write what I write. It took centre stage in my daydreams for years.

If you were a literary character you’d be …

Frodo Baggins. Or Claudius from Robert Graves’ I, Claudius (Penguin).

What’s your favourite book adaptation (film, television or theatre)?

I loved series one of The Expanse, based on the work of James S A Corey. I also think the Game of Thrones TV show, while not 100% faithful to the books, is still great.

What’s your favourite books website or blog?

I spend lots of time reading the book-related threads on I also like the Wertzone for science-fiction book gossip.

Hardback, paperback or digital?

Paperback. Unless I’m travelling, in which case, I carry a dozen reads in digital format.

Facebook or Twitter?

Twitter. But I’m on both.

In 50 years’ time books will be …

Beautiful and perfect. Machines will read them and weep tears of oil.



Category: Features Junior newsletter On tour