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UK children’s publisher pulps ‘Growing Up for Boys’ after criticism

In the UK, Usborne Publishing has announced it will pulp the remaining stock of its 2013 title Growing Up for Boys, after the book was criticised for its claim that girls have breasts ‘to look grown-up and attractive’, reports the Bookseller.

In a statement on its website, Usborne said it ‘recognize[s] that we have made a mistake’.

Usborne said the book ‘aims to discuss a wide range of vital topics’. ‘This particular chapter aimed to explain and demystify to boys what girls go through at puberty, and to promote mutual respect and understanding,’ said Usborne. ‘We are troubled that in some reports the wording has been misreported and taken out of context. However we recognise that this particular content needs revising and we are doing that already.’

Blogger Simon Ragoonanan first drew attention to the passage on Facebook, which prompted further criticism of the book online.


Category: International news Junior