Inside the Australian and New Zealand book industry

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Oz YA under the spotlight

In this newsletter, we shine a spotlight on Australian young adult (YA) fiction. In our profile, we speak to literary agent, editor and YA advocate Danielle Binks about the state of Australian YA publishing. In bestsellers, we take a look at the top-selling YA books in Australia in August (including an anthology of short stories by some of Australia’s best-loved YA authors, edited by Binks). And in award-winners, we highlight the shortlist for the Centre for Youth Literature’s Inky Awards, uniquely chosen by a panel of teen judges. This year the judges have shortlisted five Australian YA novels, including several previous award-winners, such as Zana Fraillon’s The Bone Sparrow (Hachette), Claire Zorn’s One Would Think the Deep (University of Queensland Press) and Cath Crowley’s Words in Deep Blue (Pan Macmillan).

Andrea Hanke
Think Australia


Category: Junior Think Junior editorial