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Libraries awarded NLA community heritage grants

The National Library of Australia (NLA) has announced the recipients of the 2017 Community Heritage Grants (CHG) program, including a number of libraries.

In NSW, the Albury Library Museum received $4230 for the conservation of its Uiver Collection and $5200 for an Integrated Pest Management Workshop, and the Campbelltown City Council Library received $2700 for a Paper Conservation Workshop.

The University of Tasmania also received $13,630 for the purchase of archival storage materials and digitisation of its photographic collection, and Murdoch University in Perth received $4500 for significance assessment of its library’s science-fiction collection.

In total, 56 grants were awarded worth $355,560.

The CHG program awards grants of up to $15,000 to community organisations such as libraries, archives, museums, genealogical and historical societies, and multicultural and Indigenous groups to assist with the preservation of ‘locally owned but nationally significant collections’ that are publicly accessible.

To see the full list of recipients, click here.


Category: Library news