Ditmar Awards 2018 winners announced
The winners of the 2018 Ditmar Awards for Australian science-fiction, fantasy and horror writing were announced at the 43rd Swancon Convention in Perth on 1 April.
The winners are:
Best novel
- Crossroads of Canopy (Thoraiya Dyer, Tor Books)
Best novella or novelette
- Girl Reporter (Tansy Rayner Roberts, Book Smugglers)
Best short story
- ‘A Pearl Beyond Price’ (Janeen Webb, Cthulhu Deep Down-under Volume One, IFWG Publishing Australia)
Best collected work
- Ecopunk! (ed by Cat Sparks & Liz Grzyb, Ticonderoga Publications)
Best artwork
- Lewis Morley for Matters Arising from the Identification of the Body (Peggy Bright Books) cover art
Best fan publication
- SF Commentary (ed by Bruce Gillespie)
Best fan writer
- Stephanie Lai for the No Award website
Best fan artist
- Shauna O’Meara for ‘How to Bee’ (based on the novel by Bren MacDibble)
Best new talent
- Stephanie Lai
William Atheling Jr Award for criticism or review
- ‘Reflecting on Indigenous Worlds, Indigenous Futurisms and Artificial Intelligence‘ (Ambelin Kwaymullina, Twelfth Planet Press)
The winners were chosen from a preliminary ballot announced in February, and voted on by members of Swancon 2018 to members and last year’s Continuum convention.
Several other awards were also announced on the night, including the Peter McNamara Achievement Award, which was presented to University of Western Australia academic Van Ikin, and the A Bertram Chandler Award for Outstanding Achievement in Science Fiction, which went to Peggy Bright Books editor Edwina Harvey.
Category: Awards Local news