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Writers Victoria announces Neilma Sidney Literary Travel Fund round-two recipients

Writers Victoria has announced the second round of recipients for the Neilma Sidney Literary Travel Fund.

Thirteen successful writers, translators and publishers were selected from 124 applicants to receive a total of $49,230.

The recipients are:

  • Bruce Pascoe: writer attending the UK release of his book on Aboriginal agricultural history Dark Emu (Magabala)
  • Chris Andrews: translator giving a paper at the International Conference on Comparative Translation in Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Damon Young: writer undertaking a publicity tour in the UK for his book The Art of Reading (MUP), and to undertake panel talks and workshops at the Edinburgh International Book Festival
  • Ellen van Neerven: poet travelling to Japan to attend a poetry translation workshop at Tokyo’s Meiji University
  • Emma Viskic: writer undertaking a publicity tour in the UK to promote her book And Fire Came Down (Bonnier), and to attend the Edinburgh International Book Festival
  • Janine Mikosza: writer undertaking a research trip to Jervis Bay, NSW, and a residency in Bundanon, NSW, to work on her literary memoir manuscript ‘Homesickness: Trauma and the Power of Childhood Homes’
  • Jennifer Porter: writer undertaking a research trip to Hobart to work on her manuscript, ‘The Reverend’, and to attend the Tasmanian Writers Festival
  • Jessica Friedmann: writer undertaking a research trip to Prince Edward Island and Ontario, Canada, to develop her manuscript ‘Priest Pond’, which acts as a parallel text to L M Montgomery’s ‘Emily of New Moon’ series
  • Laura Woollett: writer undertaking a research trip to Norfolk Island to work on her manuscript ‘Kingdom by the Sea’, a novel concerning child abuse on Pitcairn Island
  • Louis Klee: poet undertaking the UNESCO City of Literature Poet in Residency program in Krakow, Poland
  • Melinda Smith: poet travelling to Japan to attend a poetry translation workshop at Tokyo’s Meiji University
  • Rebecca Giggs: writer undertaking a writing residency at the Rachel Carson Centre for Environment and Society in Munich, Germany
  • Sam Cooney: publisher travelling to London to meet with publishers, editors and agents, and to attend the Edinburgh International Book Festival.

The judges for the second round were Magabala Books publisher Rachel Bin Salleh, Echo Publishing commissioning editor Angela Meyer and author Emily Bitto.

As previously reported by Books+Publishing, the Neilma Sidney Literary Travel Fund will award $300,000 in grants over three years to writers, editors, agents, publishers, booksellers and other literary professionals.

The fund is supported by the Myer Foundation, and applications for round three will be open from 16 August to 13 September 2018.


Category: Local news