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‘Voiceworks’ to expand with online component in late-2018

Voiceworks has announced it will begin commissioning and publishing original online content later this year.

Voiceworks editor Mira Schlosberg said the new digital publishing arm will publish interactive fiction, animated comics, and writing that experiments with sound components and HTML coding, as well as reproducing some content online from its quarterly print journal. Readers can also expect to find work that the magazine’s ‘current printing schedule and capacity does not allow for’, including ‘longer and/or full-colour comics, topical and time-sensitive nonfiction, and poetry’.

The Voiceworks editorial committee will also be expanding, with ‘a small team’ of online editors’ coming on board to develop a new website.

‘For a long time, staff, board members and friends of Voiceworks have been talking about ways to make the platform more sustainable and accessible, and to make sure it is supporting young voices in the most effective way,’ said Schlosberg. They said the online component will be able to reach ‘people who may not have access to the print edition’ and tap into the potential of ‘publishing experimental, medium-specific digital work’.

The print journal will still release three issues this year—in May, July/August and November/December. The online component will initially publish one piece digitally each week, and will run alongside the magazine’s print issues. Schlosberg said the team would potentially readjust this schedule ‘to best suit our capabilities and the flow of submissions’.

Schlosberg anticipates the new website will launch in the second half of 2018.

First launched in 1985 to promote Express Media’s workshop program (then named Express Media Power Workshops), Voiceworks is a national publication that publishes work by people under the age of 25.



Category: Local news