Book Depository to remit GST from July
Amazon-owned online retailer Book Depository has confirmed it will collect and remit GST on overseas purchases from July, when the new tax laws come into effect, reports the Australian Financial Review.
The news comes soon after Amazon announced it would block Australian shoppers from purchasing from its international websites, to avoid having to collect GST on orders worth less than $1000.
‘From July 1, as a result of changes to Australian tax legislation, GST will be collected and remitted on all books with a customs value of $1000 or less that are shipped to Australia from Book Depository,’ said Book Depository marketing manager Mitch Lang.
The decision highlights Book Depository’s independence from parent company Amazon, which acquired Book Depository in 2011.
Booktopia chief executive Tony Nash told AFR the decision would ‘level the playing field’ for most titles, but ‘on some titles they’ll still be competitive because of the availability of international editions and their aggressive [pricing] stance’.
‘Book Depository is often 10 per cent less than our price which means we’ll now be competitive,’ said Nash. ‘More importantly, the Australian public will know the money they’re sending offshore, 10 per cent of that will go back into funding health and education etc.’
Tags: GST
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