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35% of US business libraries report cuts to staff in past two years

In the US, a survey of corporate and business libraries by Business Wire has found that 35% of the libraries sampled have lost one to three full-time employee positions over the past two years.

The survey asked 12 corporate libraries, four law-firm libraries, five MBA-program libraries and six additional business libraries about a broad range of their operations and plans, including staffing and planned spending on books and media.

The study also found that US organisations were much more likely than those from other countries to use an outsourcing supplier, and that surveyed organisations spent an average of US$843,689 (A$1,136,870) on content or materials in 2017.

Among the sampled libraries, 58% said they had added a new online database subscription in the past year and 35% said they had increased their total stock of database subscriptions.

For more information about the survey, click here.


Category: Library news International