Oceanofpdf piracy website returns
US-hosted ebook piracy website Oceanofpdf, which was recently shut down, has returned under a .net domain, reports the Bookseller.
The Bookseller reported on 22 August that the website was offering free copies of books by authors such as Jeff Kinney, Roald Dahl, Philip Pullman, John Irving and Junot Diaz, however, these have since been taken down from the website. Many other ebooks, including the ‘For Dummies’ series (Wiley) and educational books by O’Reilly Media, are being given away for free.
Australian Society of Authors (ASA) president Juliet Rogers said, ‘The ASA notes with concern that OceanofPDF, the large piracy site, has recently returned under another guise. While we have no direct complaints about this from authors as yet, we would urge everyone to be vigilant and check the site frequently, so that they can alert their publishers to issue takedown notices if problems arise.’
The website advises anyone who wants to make complaints about copyright infringement to contact smtebooks1@smtebooks.com, suggesting the site is affiliated with ebook website SMTE Books.
Category: International news