Scotland launches national strategy for school libraries
A new national strategy has been launched for school libraries in Scotland, after consultation with over 30 schools, reports BBC News.
The recently published strategy is the first of its kind in the UK and comes after plans to replace school librarians with students were widely attacked by industry bodies.
Aimed at boosting literacy and attainment, the strategy will be implemented over the next five years.
Advisory group chair Martina McChrystal wrote that the group consulted with head teachers, teaching staff, school librarians and pupils from schools across Scotland to form the recommendations. ‘The most powerful testimonies about the impact of the school library came from the pupils themselves,’ said McChrystal. ‘Great emphasis was placed on the expert learning and research support that school libraries and librarians offer,’ she wrote.
Deputy First Minister and Education Secretary John Swinney added that the strategy aims to make libraries the ‘vibrant hub and epicentre’ of schools. ‘By recognising the important role school library services play, and by seeking to maximise the positive impact they have, we can ensure sustainable provision in innovative and flexible ways that will benefit Scotland’s young people,’ said Swinney.
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