Editors NSW: manuscript assessment workshop
Editors NSW is running a workshop titled ‘The art of manuscript assessment’, presented by Kaaren Sutcliffe.
The workshop is aimed at editors who conduct reviews of manuscripts and is also useful for anyone undertaking structural fiction editing. It will look at techniques to determine if a work is ready for copyediting, and suggest ways to proceed if it is not. It will cover the key building blocks of good fiction to enable an editor to assess whether these are working, analyse the underlying issues, and provide constructive feedback to the author.
Designed as a combination of theory, discussion exercises and practical exercises, the day will also help participants develop a detailed checklist and report template for future use.
Event details
Date: 20 February 2019, 9.30 am to 4.30 pm
Location: Level 7, UTS Building 10, 235 Jones St, Ultimo
Cost: $250 members; $450 non members
Bookings by phone (0412 634 916), email and website.
Category: Notices