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Lake Macquarie council proposes five-year plan to refurbish all library branches

Lake Macquarie City Council, in the Hunter Region of NSW, has announced plans to overhaul the city’s entire library service, reports the Newcastle Herald.

According to Lake Macquarie City Council cultural services manager Jacqui Hemsley, eight out of 10 Lake Macquarie library branches are in need of renovation, providing an opportunity to reassess the entire library service.

The council proposes to relocate some libraries, refurbish others, and build a new $6 million library in the suburb of Windale.

Hemsley said: ‘The changes outlined in our draft plan will see Lake Mac Libraries expand from a traditional service, based largely on physical loan items to one providing more active and innovative participation programs.

‘Library users in Lake Macquarie borrowed more than one million items in the past financial year … That’s a fantastic result, but we need to continually improve and innovate to keep the customers we have and attract new ones to our service.’

The proposed five-year plan is currently open for public comment until 24 February.


Category: Library news