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Levy steps down at LEG; redundancy announced

The Leading Edge Group (LEG) has announced several changes to its staff, including a redundancy.

In an email to suppliers, director of business services Kate Levy announced she would step down from the role due to health issues. ‘This was an extremely difficult decision for me to make,’ wrote Levy. ‘The work that we are doing in the support office is so important that I feel in my condition I cannot provide the focus and dedication it needs.’

Stepping into Levy’s role from 20 May will be Barry Williams, who will also retain his current position as head of IT for Australasia.

LEG has also made changes to its recently formed member relations team, including the redundancy of head of member relations Anita Gounder, who had been with the company for six months. Having decided to ‘widen the scope’ of the members relations team, LEG said that the member relations team will now also deliver retail operations support directly to members, and will report through retail operations manager Charles Nord.

Leading Edge Group restructured its business in September 2018, dissolving its group teams and making national group manager Galina Marinov redundant.



Category: Local news