Inside the Australian and New Zealand book industry

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Editors Victoria in-house editors event with Aviva Tuffield

Editors Victoria is running an in-house editors event with Aviva Tuffield.

Network with other in-house editors over a light refreshment before hearing Aviva Tuffield’s insights on building a career in publishing. While Aviva is now at UQP, she started out as a graduate from RMIT’s postgraduate diploma in editing and publishing and has worked for a number of Melbourne publishing houses. Along the way, she founded the Stella Prize for women writers—and had four children.

Event details

Date: 19 June 2019, 5.30-6.30pm.
Location: Monash Centre Level 7, 30 Collins St Melbourne.
Cost: $36 (non-members); $30 members and affiliates.
Booking by website.


Category: Notices