NSW regional library shares 200 copies of ‘The Van Apfel Girls are Gone’
Central West Libraries in New South Wales is sharing 200 copies of Felicity McLean’s The Van Apfel Girls are Gone (Fourth Estate) as part of its One Library One Book initiative, reports the Central Western Daily.
Readers are not required to check the book out from the library, but are encouraged to pass the book on after they’re finished reading. Borrowers are also encouraged to go online to discuss the book on the Central West Libraries Facebook page, where administrators will post questions and discussion topics.
Central West Libraries manager Jan Richards said the book was selected after a rigorous three-month screening process which involved library staff, publishers and book reviewers. ‘It needed to be an easy read, have wide appeal and be Australian,’ Richards said.
McLean will be a guest at the Orange Readers and Writers Festival in August.
Category: Library news