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The Lifted Brow & RMIT non/fictionLab Prize for Experimental Nonfiction longlist announced

Melbourne-based literary magazine The Lifted Brow and RMIT’s non/fictionLab have announced the longlist for their Prize for Experimental Nonfiction.

The longlisted writers and their works are:

  • Warwick Newnham, for ‘The Mash’
  • Katerina Bryant, for ‘Where is my Mind?’
  • Catie Gorman, for ‘The Boy’
  • Gareth Jenkins, for ‘The Sublime Composition’
  • Steph Jurusz, for ‘Our Origin Story’
  • Sarah Vincent, for ‘What Should I Call This?’
  • Ursula Robinson-Shaw, for ‘Art Monstering’
  • Sophia Small, for ‘How Long Can She Hold Her Breath’
  • Teri Hoskin, for ‘To Nourishment’
  • Kathryn Hummel, for ‘Jhor’
  • Tess Pearson, for ‘What Sprouts at the Fissures’
  • Jean Bachoura, for ‘TRETINOIN’
  • Oliver Reeson, for ‘Body Language’
  • Carly Stone, for ‘Big Think’
  • Soren Tae Smith, for ‘Unexpected Inconveniences’.

The winner will receive $5000 and publication in issue #43 of The Lifted Brow. Two runners-up will each receive $500.

The Experimental Nonfiction Prize seeks to ‘unearth new, audacious, authentic and/or inauthentic voices’ from Australia and around the world’. This year’s judges are Timmah Ball, Chris Kraus and Quinn Eades, who chose the longlist from 198 entries.

For more information about the prize, click here.


Category: Local news