Inside the Australian and New Zealand book industry

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Shortlist announced for inaugural Margaret Mahy Illustration Prize

Hachette NZ and the Margarey Mahy estate have announced the shortlist for the inaugural Margaret Mahy Illustration Prize for unpublished illustrators.

The shortlisted illustrators are:

  • Emily Walker
  • Hilary Jean Tapper
  • Jane McIntosh
  • Lara Cash
  • Sarah Greig.

Unpublished New Zealand artists were invited to illustrate Mahy’s story ‘A Boy with Two Shadows’, as part of Hachette’s celebration of the 50th anniversary of Mahy’s children’s book A Lion in the Meadow. The publisher received more than 140 entries.

The winner will receive NZ$1000 cash (A$950), NZ$500 (A$475) worth of books and a discussion about developing their illustrations for publication. Two runners up will receive a collection of books valued at NZ$250 (A$240). The winners will be announced on 29 August.

For more information, click here.


Category: Local news