Inside the Australian and New Zealand book industry

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Thank you for supporting The Barefoot Investor

Wiley would like to congratulate author Scott Pape on his book, The Barefoot Investor, becoming the #1 all-time bestselling book in Australia. Scott has empowered millions of people around the world to get out of bad debt and back in control of their finances.

Discussing finance at the dinner table has become common place, with words and phrases such as Smile, Splurge, Mojo, and Barefoot Date Night, becoming part of the lingo for countless Aussie ‘barefooters’.

Importantly, Scott’s advocacy for widespread access to sound financial advice has provided a path for many to develop a more positive relationship with money. It has been a pleasure to work with Scott and to support his mission.

We’d like to extend a big thank you to all Australian booksellers who have supported The Barefoot Investor. This milestone cannot be achieved in isolation. Working with each of you to make this book a success has been a privilege, and it’s all the sweeter for an Australian title to hold the coveted top spot. We really appreciate your enduring support for The Barefoot Investor and we look forward to sharing in this success with you.


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