UWAP announces 2021 Dorothy Hewett Award shortlist
Wednesday, 28 April 2021 Books+Publishing @booksandpublishing
UWA Publishing (UWAP) has announced the shortlist for the 2021 Dorothy Hewett Award for an unpublished manuscript. The winner receives a cash prize of $10,000, as well as manuscript development and a publishing contract with UWAP.
The shortlisted authors and their works are:
- ‘After Life’ by Kathryn Lomer (Tas)
- ‘Hopeless Kingdom’ by Kgshak Akec (Vic)
- ‘Best of Both Worlds’ by Bronwyn Lovell (SA)
- ‘Strangest Places’ by Joshua Kemp (WA)
- ‘The Approval of Trees’ by Erica Woolgar (Qld)
- ‘Anchor Watch’ by Madeleine Dale (Qld).
The 2021 shortlist was chosen from over 350 entries. South Australian writer Karen Wyld won the 2020 award for her novel Where the Fruit Falls.
For more information about this year’s Dorothy Hewett Award shortlist, see the UWAP website.
Category: Awards Local news