Colin Roderick Award 2021 longlist announced
The longlist for the $20,000 Colin Roderick Award, administered by the Foundation for Australian Literary Studies (FALS) at James Cook University, has been announced.
The 15 longlisted titles are:
- The Tolstoy Estate (Steven Conte, Fourth Estate)
- After the Count: The death of Davey Browne (Stephanie Convery, Viking)
- Consolation (Garry Disher, Text)
- Melting Moments (Anna Goldsworthy, Black Inc.)
- The Survivors (Jane Harper, Macmillan)
- Courage Under Fire (Daniel Keighran & Tony Park, Macmillan)
- Banks (Grantlee Kieza, ABC Books)
- Infinite Splendours (Sofie Laguna, A&U)
- Everything in its Right Place (Tobias McCorkell, Transit Lounge)
- Witness (Louise Milligan, Hachette)
- Bindi (Kirli Saunders, Magabala)
- Song of the Crocodile (Nardi Simpson, Hachette)
- Smart Ovens for Lonely People (Elizabeth Tan, Brio)
- A Lonely Girl is a Dangerous Thing (Jessie Tu, A&U)
- Eureka! A story of the goldfields (Mark Wilson, Lothian).
Established in 1967, the award is presented to the author of the title the judges determine is the best book published in Australia in the previous calendar year that deals with ‘any aspect of Australian life’. This year’s extended longlist features two children’s books, including Eureka!, the first children’s picture book to be in the running for the award, as well as nine works of fiction and four nonfiction books.
Last year’s winner was Sally Young for Paper Emperors: The rise of Australia’s newspaper empires (UNSW Press). For more information about the Colin Roderick Award, see the FALS website.
Category: Awards Local news