Our Dreaming (Kirli Saunders, illus by Dub Leffler, Scholastic)
This isn’t the first time that Gunai writer, poet and activist Kirli Saunders and Bigambul illustrator Dub Leffler have created something incredible together. It’s no surprise after the success of verse novel Bindi (Magabala), that they’re back working together on Our Dreaming, a stunning picture book inviting young readers to ‘walk with me’ to pause and reflect on what Gundungurra Dreaming and Country mean. A parent or Elder echidna walks with a young echidna, focusing intently on their presence around other creatures while imparting knowledge ‘as the Elders told it to me’. This is an excellent book for nuance in understanding Dreaming, a complexity rarely explored in this format: ‘Our Dreaming is different to the others, goodjagah. You see, each nation has their own.’ Throughout, Saunders generously weaves in Gundungurra language, with a word list and pronunciation guide at the back. Leffler’s illustrations are delightfully soft yet meticulously detailed, and leave plenty of space for readers to find their own intimacy with and appreciation for Country. This August release will be well-timed with the CBCA Book Week theme of ‘Dreaming with Eyes Open’, and will complement other excellent First Nations picture books such as Open Your Heart to Country, Day Break, Welcome to Country and Miimi Marraal, Mother Earth; for young readers aged three and up.
Clare Millar is a bookseller, writer and editor.
Books+Publishing pre-publication reviews are supported by the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.