A Little Spark (Barry Jonsberg, A&U)
A Little Spark is the latest middle-grade novel from author Barry Jonsberg. Known for his novels My Life as an Alphabet and A Song Only I Can Hear, Jonsberg again brings a story filled with humour, warmth and relatable characters to the 10–14 year old readership. Since Cate’s parents divorced she has lived two separate narratives: the day-to-day routine with her mum and new partner Sam, and the fortnightly weekend she gets with her dad. Cate has adjusted to this way of living, but when this new world order is shaken by news of an international move, Cate finds herself caught again in the crossfire of her parents’ separation, frustrated by her lack of agency and voice. Cate loves her mum but her weekends with her dad are special; he feeds her creativity and imagination, helping her to pursue her love of writing, and Cate knows that is something worth fighting for. Caught between her love for both her parents, her concern for her spiraling best friend Elise, and working out what she wants for herself, Cate’s character reveals how family shapes us and the impact of the decisions we make. Jonsberg has crafted an engaging and honest story that is filled with the unexpected. Touching on serious topics of suicide and grief, A Little Spark is still an uplifting read, reminding us to always put ourselves in the moment, to dream and to never lose our spark.
M H Alessandrino is a Perth based writer and a freelance reviewer.