Australia Council announces New York Publishers’ Program, Translation Fund recipients
The Australia Council has announced a delegation of rights sellers, literary agents and publishers to take part in the 2022 New York Publishers’ Program.
The delegation, the largest in the history of the program, will be led by Australia Council head of literature Wenona Byrne and Left Bank Literary Agency director Gaby Naher, and also includes:
- Annabel Barker, director, Annabel Barker Agency
- Tash Besliev, kids publisher, Affirm Press
- Danielle Binks, literary agent, Jacinta Dimase Management (self-funded delegate)
- Jacinta Dimase, director, Jacinta Dimase Management
- Kelly Fagan, publisher, Allen & Unwin (self-funded delegate)
- Grace Heifetz, co-director, Left Bank Literary (self-funded delegate)
- Katy McEwen, rights manager, Pantera Press
- Jordan Meek, senior rights executive, Penguin Random House Australia
- Jane Novak, director, Jane Novak Literary Agency
- Libby O’Donnell, head of international rights & business development, HarperCollins Publishers
- Benython Oldfield, director, Zeitgeist Agency
- Melanie Ostell, literary agent, Melanie Ostell Literary
- Jane Palfreyman, publisher, Allen & Unwin (self-funded delegate)
- Carey Schroeter, rights & international sales manager, books for children & young adults, Allen & Unwin
- Anna Solding, director, MidnightSun Publishing
- Hayley Tomlinson, rights and contracts manager, UQP
- Terri-ann White, publisher, Upswell Publishing
- Alexandra Yatomi-Clarke, managing and publishing director, Berbay Publishing.
Funded delegates in the five-day program each receive $4000. Participants will have the opportunity to develop their experience in the North American market, extend their networks and pitch titles to North American editors.
According to the Australia Council, the delegation ‘demonstrates the necessity of Australian rights sellers to resume face-to-face meetings’ in response to the council’s recent research on international rights sales.
For more information about the New York Publishers’ Program and this year’s delegates, see the Australia Council website.
Translation Fund for Literature
The Australia Council has also announced the recipients of its Translation Fund for Literature, which supports the translation of Australian works by living authors of creative writing.
The recipients, who each receive $5000, are:
- 66th and 2nd Srl (Italy)
- Agarthi Comics (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Alfabeta Bokförlag (Sweden)
- ArtRage (Poland)
- Atrium Verlag AG (Switzerland)
- ECUS Publishing (Taiwan)
- Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson (Italy)
- Fabula LLC (Azerbaijan)
- Forlagid (Iceland)
- Mis zalozba (Slovenia)
- Nestoras Poulakos (for Vakxikon Publications) (Greece)
- SCOOP Au vent des îles Publishers (French Polynesia)
- Scribe Publications Pty Ltd (ITF Rosenbloom Family Trust)
- Singel Uitgeverijen (Netherlands)
- Suhrkamp Verlag AG (Germany)
- Tudem Publishing Group (Turkey)
- Widnokrag s.c. (Poland)
- Xargol Books (Israel)
- Yeni Film Yayin Dagatim Ve Pazarlama A.S. (Turkey).
For more information about the Translation Fund for Literature, see the Australia Council website.
Category: Local news