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Varuna announces 2023 residential fellowships

Varuna, the National Writers’ House has announced the recipients of its 2023 residential fellowships.

The writers and their projects are:

Eleanor Dark flagship fellowship

  • Angela O’Keeffe, for her literary fiction work ‘The Tender Space’

Eric Dark flagship fellowship

  • Fiona Wright, for her essay collection ‘Our Constellations’

First Nations flagship fellowship

  • Ali Eckermann, for her historical fiction work ‘Kali’

Mick Dark flagship fellowship

  • Nicole Hasham, for her narrative nonfiction work ‘What the Mountains Remember’

Poetry flagship fellowship

  • David Stavanger, for his poetry collection ‘The Drop Off’

Ray Koppe flagship fellowship

  • Aaliyah Sugitha, for her memoir ‘Somatic’

Jerra flagship fellowship

  • Shannon Anima, for her memoir ‘The Furnaces’

Henry Handel Richardson Award

  • Catherine Deery, for her short story collection ‘Haphazard’

Varuna residential fellowships

  • Nicole Baird, for her speculative fiction work ‘The Sea Under the Stars’
  • Carrie Cox, for her women’s fiction work ‘Retreat’
  • Katya Dibb, for her young adult fiction ‘Afterimage’
  • Christine Evans, for her speculative fiction work ‘River & Maude’
  • Lisa Fuller, for her children’s work ‘Washpool’
  • Geoffrey Gates, for his literary fiction work ‘The Phantom Surrealist’
  • Alison Gorman, for her poetry collection ‘Say Something’
  • Brendan Gullifer, for his historical fiction work ‘The Killing Logic’
  • Maya Hodge, for her poetry collection ‘Time Melts and Meets in the Middle’
  • Sandra Hogan, for her memoir ‘Escape Artist’
  • Eleanor Limprecht, for her memoir ‘Eye Teeth’
  • Amanda Maxwell, for her literary fiction work ‘Island of Joy’
  • Kienan McKay, for his young adult fiction ‘Cocoon’
  • Rachael Morgan, for her women’s fiction work ‘Disgraceful’
  • Anne Myers, for her memoir ‘The Little Ones’
  • Arty Owens, for their children’s work ‘The Junking’
  • Luke Patterson, for his poetry collection ‘TEK’
  • Brenda Saunders, for her poetry collection ‘My Boomerang Never Came Back’
  • Christina Soong, for her screenplay ‘Tiger Mum for Hire’
  • Marion Taffe, for her historical fiction work ‘Freida’.
  • Sarah Walker, for her literary fiction work ‘The Water Takes’
  • Hanne Watkins, for her crime fiction work ‘IKEA Story’
  • Julie Weatherburn, for her memoir ‘Mumbling Under Water’.

This year Varuna received 446 submissions from emerging and established writers, its largest number of applications ever.

For more information, see the Varuna website.


Category: Awards Local news