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Anatolitis appointed Meanjin editor

Melbourne University Publishing (MUP) has announced Esther Anatolitis as the next editor of Meanjin.

Anatolitis has two decades’ experience working in arts and media leadership roles. She is the former CEO of Express Media and Voiceworks publisher, a founder of the Emerging Writers’ Festival and a founding partner of the Small Press Network, among other roles in the literary sector. Jonathan Green, who has been Meanjin editor since 2015, announced in May that the December 2022 edition will be his last.

MUP publisher and CEO Nathan Hollier said: ‘We are so pleased to have Esther taking the editorship of Meanjin. She is, rightly, widely known and respected as a cultural and intellectual leader of vision, passion and energy, and we look forward to seeing where she takes the magazine.’

Hollier said as editor, Green had built Meanjin’s ‘stature and sales’. ‘He has made a wonderful contribution not only to the magazine but to the culture it is part of,’ said Hollier. ‘We thank and congratulate him and wish him the very best for his next steps.’

‘I am deeply honoured to join Meanjin as editor’, said Anatolitis. ‘Since 1940, Meanjin has been Australia’s literary journal of record, presenting the ideas Australia needs alongside the creative work that challenges and moves us. I relish the opportunity to work with the Meanjin team, building on the brilliant legacy of that great dynamo Jonathan Green.’


Category: Local news