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The One Thing We’ve Never Spoken About (Elfy Scott, Pantera)

In The One Thing We’ve Never Spoken About, Sydney-based journalist and podcast presenter Elfy Scott uses her talent for explaining complicated issues in accessible ways to examine the myths and misconceptions that surround complex mental health conditions in Australia. Until recent years, Scott’s family rarely spoke of her mother’s schizophrenia. Fortunately, their ‘middle-class, privileged’ status, as well as having a circle of loving family and friends, meant Scott’s mother had access to long-term support and care that enabled her to live a fulfilling life. The vast majority aren’t so lucky. Drawing on thorough research and stories of everyday Australians living with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, psychosis and other complex conditions, Scott reveals a silence and stigma perpetuated not only by media and entertainment, but also by failing health and housing systems as well as our own fear and ignorance. The result is a harrowing cycle of disempowerment, isolation and despair that too often results in homelessness or incarceration. In a voice at once considered and insightful, furious and deeply empathetic, Scott does what our nation has consistently failed to do: she humanises the most vulnerable in our society, in the hope that we might connect, share stories and begin to truly empathise with those who need it most. The One Thing We’ve Never Spoken About is a confronting but optimistic call to action that every Australian should read.

Jacqui Davies is a freelance writer and reviewer based in South Australia. Books+Publishing is Australia’s number-one source of pre-publication book reviews.

Read Davies’ interview with Elfy Scott about The One Thing We’ve Never Spoken About here.


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